Milo Land

February - Week 4

Meditate at least 5 minutes

Had a hard time maintaining this one this week. I still sat a few times, which is better than zero!

Journal one page

Again, simple. I missed one day because I stayed up real late with some friends, but that's about it.

Exercise (minimum walk 1 mile, goal is run half mile, 3 sets of burpees, or some sport for an hour)

Totally stayed on top of this. This has been easy to maintain because of all the active things I've been doing. A good mix of really vigorous and really light cardio, with a little bit of actual "strength training". But overall my emotional regulation feels great which is the ultimate goal.

Express my mood honestly to my partner

Life is good right now, so it's been relatively easy.

Get ceiling and walls done in the master bedroom of the house

Got the rest of the insulation up in the ceiling throughout the house, put up the last of the vapor barrier we had bought throughout the east side of the house until we ran out, and put up the drywall for the bathroom and closet. Slowly but surely, making progress towards moving into the bedroom. Very exciting!

Volunteer twice this month

I helped "patch" up some holes in our unpaved road, shoveling gravel around for about 30 minutes. Small but felt good, both to do and later drive over. Also spent some more time working on Lichen. Still waiting to hear when the final training for the neighborhood emergency team will be so I can close that loop. Overall, feel pretty good on this one.


Go to one community event

Nothing on this, as I met this goal a couple weeks ago.

Go to three Aikido classes

Going three times a week, so still easy.

Spend 15 minutes praticing lockpicking

Was on and off, but got the book I ordered last week ("Practical Lock Picking") to try and fill in the theoretical gaps I have. The book is fantastic so far and answered a lot of the questions I had, while challenging a lot of inplicit assumptions I had made. After reading a through a bit of this, spent more time with the locks I had and felt like I had a better understanding of what was going on.

(My autodidactic trap is usually to learn by doing and then WAY too late in the game, actually dig into the theoretical part of it. While I love the theory of most things, I like to just get my hands dirty, so it's the easiest to do. Unfortunately this also leads to burnout as I get stuck and don't have the info I need. I'm glad I went for this book so early in my process.)

"Practical Lock Picking" by Deviant Ollam

No screens from 8pm to 8am

Mornings are good. Evenings have been rough. I think I need to bring my partner in on this to see if we can do this together. That may help me because end of day I have so little willpower.

I have also noticed that the real issue I have is that I enjoy watching Youtube late in the day, and (I'm sure by design) the related videos always draw me in for more. Usually way beyond what I really want. So I may try and limit my Youtube intake for the next month as well, adding friction wherever possible to make it less enticing.