Milo Land


This is a list of stuff I want to try doing at some point. Some are hare brained, for sure. If you have comments or ideas, or are interested in collaborating, reach out!


Float, tread water, and swim efficiently

Whistle loudly without using my hands

Make an outdoor structure in nature using nature and use it (sleep under a lean-to, etc.)

Make a terrarium and have it last a year

Make ginger beer

Make a raft out of bottles?

Build a chair

Sing bach chorales with friends in a super reverberant space (concrete stairwell, silo, etc.)

Eat foraged dandelions (greens for salad, roots for tea, heads for wine)

Perform ~15 minutes of music on my pump organ in a public space

Learn to fight/defend with the jo/bo staff

Organize a tournament of something that is not important

No computer, internet, phone (other than calling) for a month

Make a tunic

Make a sling that can throw a rock using rope and use it

Make a death whistle

Convert our old water heater to store rain water

No internet videos for a month

Make a zine


Play "hand flute" a full octave

Boneless up a curb

Spin a pen

Pick locks

Open a rotary combination "love lock" that is on a bridge and put it back

Make a flag for our house


Drop in on a halfpipe/quarterpipe/bowl on a skateboard

Learn Toki Pona well enough to read and write in it semi-fluently

Run a 5k

Become shodan rank in Aikido


Camp with only a bivy sack (and maybe a tarp for cover)

I made the bivy sack and tried camping in it a while ago. It got wet in there really quickly, which sounds like a normal experience. So it's good as an emergency, but I'd rather cowboy camp with a tarp and a bug net.

Bivy sack notes

Make a shirt from scratch

I made a shirt from the book "Zero Waste Patterns" and it was fun! While it ended up being the wrong shirt for me, I learned a lot about sewing and generally working with textiles and it showed me what I need to do next time.

"Zero Waste Patterns" by Birgitta Helmersson